
Brazil will be able to watch the solar eclipse that takes place this Saturday (14); Find out how to view safely

This Saturday, the 14th, Brazilians will be able to watch a solar eclipse, which is when the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun, but not all regions of the country will have the chance to see this phenomenon live.

There are three types of solar eclipses, but this week’s will be the annular one. A ring will be formed around the Moon, which experts call a ‘ring of fire’; and the last time this eclipse was observed from Brazil was in 1994.

At that time, the southern region benefited most, but this time it will be residents of the North and Northeast who will be able to follow the eclipse clearly. Those who live in other regions of the country may be able to see the phenomenon in a partial way.

Several Brazilian states will monitor the phenomenon

In São Paulo, for example, the view will be partial, with around 40% of the Sun ‘covered’ by the Moon. Those who live in Amazonas will be able to follow everything live from 12:05 pm and then it will be the turn of residents of Pará , Tocantins, Piauí, Maranhão, Rio Grande do Norte, Ceará, Pernambuco and Paraíba.

Until 5:50 pm on Saturday (14), the eclipse will be taking place in these Brazilian states. Eclipses usually happen twice a year, however, they can only be seen in certain regions of the planet each time, which is why many think it is a rare phenomenon.

Be careful when observing a solar eclipse

Anyone watching the eclipse live needs to be very careful, as the sun is extremely harmful to the eyes. There are some filter telescopes on the market, which are suitable for monitoring this phenomenon.

Those who do not want or cannot spend money on a telescope can use solar eclipse glasses or buy welding glasses number 14 or higher, as this will allow them to monitor everything without compromising their vision.