
Watch if you dare! Haunted house video goes viral on the internet and scares people around the world

A video of an alleged haunted house went viral on social media recently. The images, which look like something out of a horror film, show a man walking on the premises of the property, leaving many internet users terrified by the scene. The most impressive detail concerns the long path taken to get to his apartment.

The video was published on Twitter and quickly went viral. In it, the man unlocks a door, goes through two more doors, walks through an open area with no lighting, climbs a wooden staircase, goes down a dark corridor, enters through another door, walks through another corridor, goes down another staircase and, Finally, he accesses his apartment.

Haunting video goes viral on the web

With more than 15 million views, the video spread quickly. In the caption, the man jokes, claiming to have arrived home after a long day. Despite the repercussion, he did not reveal the location of the recording. Internet users from different countries and locations around the world expressed their fear and surprise at the images.

The most curious detail was the lack of lighting, making it possible to see the path only due to the light from the cell phone. Furthermore, the multitude of doors makes accessing the apartment a real memorization challenge.

Internet users make fun of the video


The publication generated a huge repercussion on the internet, resulting in countless jokes and memes. Some users commented, in a humorous way, that access to the apartment is so long that it would be better to continue at work. Others compared the video’s tense scenes to a real horror game.