
Find out what the celebration dedicated to Ibeji, Erê or Saints Cosmas and Damião is like

The phenomenon of religious syncretisma historic occurrence in Brazil Due to its colonial past and the composition of its population, it is characterized by a mixture of varied doctrines and practices religious.

In September 27tha popular religious festival is celebrated nationally for different beliefs: the Orisha Day Ibeji or ErIt is. In tradition catholicthis date is revered one day earlier, on September 26th.

What is the meaning of this date in the context of religious syncretism?

In African-based religions, this celebration is dedicated to the Orixá Ibeji, in candombléor Erê, in umbanda. The Ibejis correspond to the twin orixás of this tradition, which, in the Catholic religion, are personified by the twins Cosme and Damião. The Erês, in turn, are the entities-children from Umbanda.

The Orixá Ibeji symbolizes the purity, renewal, joy and innocence of children. Such feelings and characteristics evoke the presence of the Erês, who act as emissaries and intermediaries. Despite the differences in their representations, they all share a common meaning: the protection, care and well-being of children.

Candy distribution

Therefore, it is common practice on this date to distribute free sweets such as popcorn, candies and sweets, often as a sign of gratitude or fulfillment of promises. In the terreiros, it is also common for foods such as caruru, vatapá and sweets to be offered during the ceremony.

Regardless of belief, in addition to expressing concern and protection for children, this date represents the energy of renewal, hope and joy that emanates from a child, serving as inspiration to face life with lightness and happiness.