
Don’t miss the annular solar eclipse across Brazil this Saturday; know the schedules

Next Saturday, the 14th, the Brazil will have the opportunity to witness the phenomenon of annular eclipse of Sun. In the North and Northeast regions of the country, the view will be complete, allowing full viewing of the event astronomical.

This cosmic event materializes when the Moon It is positioned so that its apparent width is smaller than that of the Sun, being aligned between our planet and the central star of the solar system. The result of this alignment is the formation of a spectacle known as a ‘ring of fire’ in the skies.

Annular solar eclipse in Brazilian territory

Some states are located in the region of annularity, where the eclipse will manifest itself in all its fullness. Check out these locations: Amazonas, Pará, Maranhão, Piauí, Ceará, Tocantins, Paraíba (with the city of João Pessoa allocated in the visibility zone), Pernambuco, Rio Grande do Norte (with the city of Natal included in the observation area ).

In other parts of the country, the phenomenon will occur partially, resulting in the image of the Sun being ‘nibbled’ by the Moon.

It is important to note that it is strictly prohibited to look directly at the Sun during a solar eclipse. To observe this event, it is essential to use glasses specialized for this purpose, appropriate filters or directing the gaze to the solar reflection, completely avoiding the use of x-ray plates, photographic films, mobile devices or any other inappropriate object.

What time will the eclipse appear in the skies?

Check out the culminating moments of the eclipse in some locations in Brazil:

  • Brasília: 4:45 pm;
  • Rio de Janeiro: 4:50 pm;
  • São Paulo: 4:49 pm.

The eclipse will begin in the morning, initially seen on the west coast of the United States. In Brazil, viewing of this celestial phenomenon will take place later, in the afternoon, with a planned duration of two hours. The peak moment will last approximately five minutes. You can check the specific time for your location on the website Time and Date.