
Mother can’t enroll her 11-year-old son in school because of his hair: ‘We’re going to fight this’

Amid the rules and regulations imposed by schools, 11-year-old Farouk James has struggled to find an educational institution that accepts his unique style. Farouk, who is a child model and has more than 250 thousand followers on Instagram, and his mother, Bonnie, have been looking for a school that respects the boy’s uniqueness.

In the UK, many schools have specific policies regarding student hair length. Farouk’s long locks have been a hindrance, with some schools suggesting the boy cut his hair so he can attend classes.

Bonnie believes this requirement is unfair, highlighting that her son’s hair is natural, without dyes or chemicals. According to her, if Farouk were a girl, his hair length would not be questioned, classifying the situation as discriminatory.

Mom doesn’t want to cut her son’s hair

Farouk has always had voluminous hair, a characteristic present since before he was born. The idea of ​​cutting his hair to go to school is something that upsets him.

Bonnie has faced similar issues regarding the length of her eldest son’s hair, now 23, which was considered “too short” when he was in school. She hoped school policies regarding appearance had evolved since then.

Bonnie, Farouk’s mother started campaigning in the UK

In response to these rules, Bonnie began a campaign for change, rallying support from parents facing similar issues. Together, Bonnie and Farouk aim to challenge these school norms and bring about meaningful change.

“We are forming a real team, and we call it Generation Mane. We will fight this until these rules are changed. And that’s on a global level, not just in the UK.”Bonnie stated.